Breastfeeding struggles

I’m a little too old for the ‘Blossom’ generation and I do not recall my kids watching it.  But I enjoy ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and Amy Farrah Fowler is one of my favorite characters.  So, of course, I have to follow Mayim Bialik’s blog.  The Mothering newsletter recently published this great article on Breast Feeding from Mayim.  She shares how she overcame breastfeeding struggles and how she chose to help other women who struggle.  The comment I like the most in this article is, “For all of our evolution, it has been the females who have cared for each other and helped each other learn how to birth and feed and love and raise strong babies.”  What great validation for all Childbirth Educators, Doulas,  and Lactation Educators.  Women empowering women is what makes families & society stronger.  Thanks Mayim.